
  • C334
  • C334
  • C334
  • C334
  • C334
  • C334


This is a nicely proportioned cornice moulding with a classic swan-neck curve and part of the "Majestics" family (C333, C335, C337 and P8060). Did you know? The S curve with its broken angle is also named the Flemish scroll and was popular in the 17th century during the Flemish Renaissance. These substantial sizes are ideal for larger rooms.

Exists in Flex. Flex profiles are really versatile and the finish is far superior to anything one could ever achieve with timber. Especially with design being pushed to its limits these days; rounded lines, circles and curves galore, you will install those flex to your walls and ceilings without any effort at all!

Dimensions (cm) : 200 x 15 x 19.6

Type Cornice Moulding
Tags Cornice, Curtain Profile, Flex, Indirect Lighting, Majestics

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